Cooking? Yesss i do love cooking :D
I am not sure where a
love for cooking comes from. I didn’t have opportunities to
cook from a young age .(#sama kanjeng mami dulu dimarahin kalo mo bantuin
katanya malah bikin repot, iiissshhhh -_-, makanya baru bs masak setelah
setahun merid ,, omooo :D .
I love to eat, and i decided long ago that i
wanted to eat only things that taste really good. (#Krik Krik) . Or, I would eat something fantastic in a restaurant
and want to eat it again. Since i can't afford to go to restaurants for
every meal of the day, I figured I'd better learn to cook (#biar iriitt kakakkk :p )The kitchen tool(s) I can't live without iiiissss ..... my chef's
knife of course, #akaakakka LOL. Just jokinngg,,,, actually i dont have that one , then lets just say “KNIFE” J)).
I learn by Youtube ,google (everythings from internet ,:p) , also experimenting with tastes that i experience. Sometimes they don't always work out (#saaddd) and sometimes i can create heaven on a spoon (#haks haks haks) .
Simple ingredients in the right combinations, that is the secret. I’ve been cooking for 2 years or more and still have soooooo muuuucccchhh to learn. I hope that
one day I’ll have the opportunity to learn more formally some of the secrets of the best chefs in the world. Kyaaaaa , thats my dream for now :D :D
I love cooking with all my heart and i wouldn't give it up for the world, how about you? I will never give up cooking! EVER! (#rada Lebay apa emang lebay ? emang sengaja lebay kakak :p)
My favorite things to cook ? Everything!! Ihihihi ,
My Philips Blender that chops everything in seconds
, xixiixix . Pan , baking dish , And last but not least my microwave from
Husband Friend :D . And above all else my gas stove top , if they ever take
that away..................hahahha
And nooww,, i want to have Waffle
pan no matter what . :p ( #mas
ganjaarrrrr , juseyoooooo :D )
Advice iiiiss ...please don't be afraid to experiment. If a recipe calls for an
ingredient you don't have or don't like, try substituting something else. Anndd
dont forget , Practice makes perfect. It's the great thing
about cooking: you always have to do it, so I don't have anything else to say,
but it's. Ahahhaha (#piissss)
Today my
favourite things to cook would have to be special meals which I imitate from
the food network, ahahahhaha . crispy pizza and salads are wonderful standbys but lately I
want to challenge myself to infuse flavours into foods which titillate my taste
buds. Asian and mediterranean influences are wonderful.oohhh i made red velvet cake tonight , anddd came out super :D :D .
Happy cookiinggg
everyone !!!!!!