Tikadiamond Blog

You are born free to be anything you dream to be

We're so excited to see the cherry Blossom

By Wednesday, August 14, 2013

old posted :))

March 2013 ...it's been about 6 months in Seoul, and i can finally say that i'm somewhat adjusted *&lt:-P pesta. i know where the local grocery stores are. i know the bus routes to my home and subway stop just opened up near my house ***yeeeyyy sooo happy *&lt:-P pesta. i'm also finding a routine within my korean classes to making lesson plans from book (**ecieehh apa sih ) .   sometimes i get a little frustated cause i fell like there just not enough time to cover eeeeeverythings we need to in a 100 minuted class twice a week, but what can u do???if u go too fast  the stdents that are behind just keep getting left behind. i know there has to be a balance in there somewhere,,  :((( (**nangis guling2). soo i just keep enjoying :))))

annndd,,, tadaaahhhhh,,,,
finally ....Spring here in Korea.  it just ended up being super freezing everyday since then .. *&lt:-P pesta. soo noowww its atually in the mid to upper 60s in the day, warming :D .the day was one of those days that only come a few times a year: not too hot, not too cold, not too cloudy,, not too sunny.

me and my classmates hit up the cherry blossom festival in Yeoido ,,, oohh God,,sooo beautifull,, amazingly great ,, soo happy and excited to take a picture of cherry blosssom and ourself for sure (**hahha narsis biarinn ga ada yg kenal,, ). the cherry blossom were blooming eeeverywhere *:x jatuh cinta

lookk at the wonderfull cherry blossomm,,, blooming everywhere
it was a ton of fun to walk around Yeouido Park on such a georgeus day ,,, ihihiihihiii
we walked   along the side walk,taking photos,,,  letting the sun warm our face . admiring the cherry blossom(**yaelaahh bahasa guweehh *=)) berguling di lantai).
with Ritu and Terilyn agaiinn
as we walked beneath a cherry tree, one of the blossom fell off the branch , landing softly in my Hijab (**gubraakk makin alay bahasanya gkgkgkkg *=)) berguling di lantai)
dah ah bahasa alaynya,, lanjoottt

there was soo beautifull floweeerrr

with terilyn (canada) and Ritu (india) cheeerrfuulll

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taking pict with Noura (moroco) and Terilyn agaiinn,, we're model :p

Around Yeoida park , ton of people hahah

my self,,  crazy :)))

on the way subway station, getting bored so i need to do something crazy :p
 i wrote this story because i wanted to write something sweet ***yaaelahh dramaa,,,, ,,
and becausee lately i've realized how i worry toooo much about things *:)) tertawa aand becase of that i don't enjoy what i have  (***bego bener ya ahah ). hopefully that will make it seem less random, although i'm sorrry if it completely doesn't make sense .*:D tersenyum lebar

 seee uuu on neexxttt page  *:"> pipi memerah


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